Digital Upskilling Opportunities

Digital Upskilling Opportunities

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has really come into the limelight in recent years. Earlier, it was just a concept we could see in movies and dramas, but now we see the real-world applications and the impact that it has on our lives. Almost everybody that uses the internet comes into contact with Artificial Intelligence, one way or the other. Whether you interact with chatbots or watch TikTok, they all have AI algorithms working in the background that allow these companies to offer you personalized services and better experiences. 

Since this is a raging topic these days, there have been a lot of articles and books on the same topic. People who are experts in Artificial Intelligence are willing to share their knowledge about the subject matter with others and bring them up to speed on what is going on. The problem is that with the plethora of books written by Professors and experts who work for one or the other Artificial Intelligence company, there is a little bit of confusion. The confusion arises from the fact that people don’t know which book to read or who to follow. That is why we took the task of reading various books on AI and coming up with the best book we could find.

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 4th Edition 2020



Yup! This is the book that we recommend. There are a lot of reasons why we recommend Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach book and not some other. One of the reasons is that there are a lot of books being written about AI and most of them don’t tackle the subject matter. In fact, some of them don’t even come close. They just skim the important points and some don’t even deliver the proper information about the points that they are discussing. 

Most of the books that we read, talked about two things:

  1. How can I make money by using Artificial Intelligence?
  2. Artificial Intelligence Doomsday and how we can better prepare for it.

We didn’t find a lot of books that would actually help a student or even an expert in building Artificial Intelligence systems and allow them to apply at some Artificial Intelligence Consultancy or somewhere else. This is where Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach ebook takes the cake. It actually provides real-world solutions and exercises that can help you build real-world AI systems and benefit from them.



This book was written by Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig. Both of these professionals are computer scientists and have vast experiences behind them. Peter Norvig is the current Director of Research at Google Inc. and the former Director of Search Quality. Stuart Russel is the Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Berkley. Both of these gentlemen are highly regarded when it comes to Artificial Intelligence and its impact.

The book is now in 4th edition with three more editions before that were hailed just as much as the latest one. The book has gone through a lot of change since Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2nd edition). 

Details of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach



This is not the book that you can take on a journey and hope you finish it by the time you reach your destination. You might have Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach for kindle and you can try to read it as fast as you can, but with over 1000 pages with detailed text, exercises, and more, you will have a hard time doing it. If you still want the ebook, you can purchase Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach from Amazon and carry it around on your kindle, mobile, tablet or more. This book contains something for everyone. Whether you are a beginner or a professional providing Artificial Intelligence services to businesses around the world, you can benefit from this book and use it to develop great AI-based applications. 

What Stands Out



One of the things that immediately differentiates this book from all the rest is the amount of information that it provides. No other book comes close. This book provides ample information about all the branches of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 3rd edition also offered solutions and manuals. It discusses concepts and provides comprehensive examples of intelligent AI Agent design, AI Algorithms, techniques, and more. You will also find topics like Graph Theory, Probability, and Statistics. It has eight different sections that cover almost every aspect of Artificial Intelligence. Each section comprises multiple chapters. The eight sections are:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (introductory material); 
  2. Problem-Solving (search and game playing); 
  3. Knowledge and Reasoning (propositional and predicate logic, inference techniques, knowledge representation); 
  4. Acting Logically (planning); 
  5. Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning (probabilistic reasoning, Bayesian nets, decision-theoretic techniques); 
  6. Learning (inductive learning, neural nets, reinforcement learning); 
  7. Communicating, Perceiving, and Acting (natural language processing, computer vision, robotics); and 
  8. Conclusions (philosophical foundations and summary). 

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Reviews


Currently, this book is being taught in more than 1400 universities around the world. It has more than 200 customer reviews on Amazon. But that’s not all. When people ask on Quora, “What is the best book to start with Artificial Intelligence for a computer science student.” A lot of the time people answer with this book.

The same is true for StackExchange. When asking “What is the best book for learning Artificial Intelligence?” The top answer is Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Russell & Norvig.


Whether you are a newbie or an expert Artificial Intelligence consultant, this book is for you. Whether you want to learn new things or brush up on things you already know, you will find what you’re looking for in this book. So, we recommend that you invest in this book TODAY.


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